10 Must Watch Motivational Videos for Entrepreneurs - Marketing Solved

10 Must Watch Motivational Videos for Entrepreneurs

10 must watch motivational videos for entrepreneurs

This post is for my fellow entrepreneurs. Nothing fires me up more than a BIG dose of motivation. When you want reassurance, or need to change your mindset to focus on the positive, find your style of motivation! Motivation can be found in books, radio, podcasts, mentors, and my favorite, social media! My favorite style of motivation is watching amazing videos.

When you have challenges ahead of you, use these videos to remind yourself that no matter what the challenge is, YOU can handle it. In fact, there’s nothing you can’t handle.

You were designed to do great things. Stay focused, determined and positive. Get our of your own way and take hold of your courage and stop playing small. Push forward to your next breakthrough.

I’m honored to share the fuel  for my fire with you in hopes you find the motivation to unleash the greatness you have inside.

Watch these when you need them. They all have different messages but one thing they all have in common is that YOU are a force of greatness. let me know which one speaks to you!


1. Jim Carrey (One of my FAVORITE ways to spend a minute)

2. Dream

3. Messages from Inspirational Women

4. Gary Vaynerchuk

5. Eric Thomas, the Hip Hop Preacher

6. Stedman Graham, a friend and someone I respect and admire tremendously.

7. Unbroken

8. Shaia LaBeouf – Just Do It

9. Carrie Green – TedX Talk

10. Les Brown, saved one of the best for last

Now, tell me which one spoke to you? Leave me a comment and let’s do this!!


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