12 Powerful Ways to Dazzle Your Audience and Get More Likes - Marketing Solved

12 Powerful Ways to Dazzle Your Audience and Get More Likes

You set up a Facebook Page for your business because you read somewhere that Facebook has over 1.1 billion users so it would be crazy, right? not to take advantage of their massive reach but your page is holding steady at 85 likes.

You’re sharing your killer blog posts and cute-as-pie pics of your rescue pet every week on your Facebook page, but the number of likes is holding steady at 85.

What to do? 

Here are 12 powerful tactics to try that will dazzle your audience and get you more likes.

1. Add a Facebook Like Box to your website

The more likes you have on your Facebook page the more likely you are to be trusted so you want to make it easy for people to discover your Facebook page and click that button.  Start by installing this Facebook Like box  for WordPress or if you don’t have a WordPress site use Facebook’s page plugin.

Facebook Like Box // Marketing Solved // How to Get More Facebook Likes

2. Let your Facebook friends know about your Business page

Chances are, you invited your friends to like your Business Page when you first set it up however you should remember to invite any new personal friends to like your Facebook page.  If you click on the “Promote” button of your Facebook Page (bottom left corner) you will see a “Share with friends” option.  You can also click on the “Know Friends Who Might Like Your Page?” under Page Tips on your page.

3. Improve your page

You should think of your Facebook page as the storefront of your business.  What will a visitor think about your business when they visit your page?

Add an eye-popping cover photo and high quality profile photo or logo and make sure your most important details are in the About section of your page.

Pro Tip: 

Create a post in which you give describe your services and include a quality image of yourself.  Then pin this post to the top of your Facebook page.

4. Join Facebook Groups

There are many great Facebook Groups for bloggers and entrepreneurs.  One of the best of course is the Marketing Solved Facebook group, where every Friday there is a Facebook follow.

Related: How to Grow a Facebook Group to Make More Sales 

5. Add a link to your email signature

An email signature makes it easy for clients to get in touch with you and for you to promote your business.  Since your email signature is very much part of your branding please give it some thought before creating one.  Mixmax is a great productivity and email scheduler app that integrates with Gmail.

Get More Facebook Likes Using Mix Max Email Signatures // Marketing Solved

6. Add a Facebook pop-up plugin

There are a few WordPress pop-up plugins for WordPress worth adding to your website.  Visitors will be given the option to like your page before exiting or continuing to browse your website.  My favorite is Facebook Page Promoter Plugin but you can also try Popups.

7. Ask questions

If you are wanting to increase engagement with your followers ask questions.  Closed questions which start with “should”, “would”, “which” and “who” attract more comments according to Hubspot’s data.  This is probably because your visitors don’t want to think too long before answering “why” or “how” questions.  Keep it simple.


8. Dazzle your audience with killer content

By far the best way to draw attention and convert visitors into fans is to create and share content that will delight them on a consistent basis.  The general consensus is that you post at least once a day but my clients get greater engagement when they post 2-3 times per day so I’m going to encourage you to post 2-3 times a day.  Remember to keep your content relevant to your niche.

Create posts that answer the following 3 questions:

What do you do?

What problem do you solve?

How is your product or service different?

Pro Tip: 

Create and share more video.  In particular use Facebook Live.

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9. Mix it up

Let’s face it, if you’re only sharing your own blog posts and the odd motivational quote, you are going to *yawn* bore people and they’re not going to engage with you.  So mix things up (while staying relevant) with podcasts, Live video, quality images etc.

10. Use emoticons

Add an emoticon or two to your posts and show some personality.  Scientists have discovered that parts of our brain are activated by positive emoticons  and that users of positive emoticons are considered more friendly and competent.  🙂

11. Add humour

Every time you appeal to your audience emotionally you’ll have a better chance of getting them to engage with you, so go ahead and sprinkle your posts with humorous insights.  Derek Halpern is brilliant at this.

Avoid adding humor if you work in a highly regulated field like financial services; keep your jokes clean and stay away from controversial subjects.

12. Run a contest or giveaway

If done correctly Facebook contests are one of the fastest ways to increase engagement. Make sure your requirement for contest entrants is that they like your page.  You can get started with a free trial with Heyo.

What tactics have worked for you?  We would love to hear from you. 

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12 Powerful Ways to Dazzle Your Audience and Get More Likes // Social Media // Marketing // Entrepreneur // Business // Social Media Marketing // Marketing Solved

Yolanda McAdam

Yolanda McAdam is an online marketing strategist and social media manager with over a decade’s experience working with Start-Ups and entrepreneurs.

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