12 Ways to Use Styled Stock Photography to Boost Your Brand - Marketing Solved

12 Ways to Use Styled Stock Photography to Boost Your Brand

Styled Stock Photography Examples

Styled Stock Photography is all the rage now! Onliners {Did we just make up a word?} everywhere are displaying gorgeous + clean images with fancy styled desks that make most entrepreneurs swoon for that type of office space. From professional computer stock to desks with macaroons and untouched notepads, styled stock photography is a G R E A T way to showcase your brand.

Not sure where to find Styled Stock Photography? Check out the post The Ultimate Resource Guide to Finding Styled Stock Photography and you’ll be in styled stock photography heaven in no time.

Let’s explore a few ways you can use styled stock photography to BOOST your Branding!

1) Blog Post Graphics

51f63e8c8d67927ed10f01ec72f8bfb9Here’s a great example from Wonderlass on how to use styled stock photography to showcase your blog posts. You can overlay text on these simple images to make an eye catching graphic that encourages tons of click throughs.

2.  Pinterest Graphics

styled stock photography

MyDomaine uses this styled stock photography brilliantly to showcase her blog post on Pinterest. It fits the ideal Pinterest Pin size and is simple, gorgeous, but eye catching. The title is professional and clean and definitely click worthy.

3. Website Popup

styled stock photography example

Here’s a clever way to use Styled Stock Photography to show off your business and increase your e-mail opt ins! The Everygirl uses this gorgeous styled stock photo with their website logo displayed on the screen and used it as a Website Popup. Very Unique!

4. Social Media Graphics

Social Templates 1

Here at Marketing Solved we are HUGE fans of using styled stock photography for social media quotes or graphics. They’re gorgeous and simple to add text to which really makes these social media graphics POP against the rest. These can be used on Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Instagram (of course!) and Pinterest.

5. Product Display

coco and ollieCoco + Ollie is BRILLIANT with their use of styled photography. They use these clean displays to showcase their products, like this gorgeous art print.  These are eye catching and just overall B E A U T I F U L!

6. Events

styled stock photography Melanie Duncan is always innovative when it comes to online marketing and this styled photography is no exception. Here she uses the styled photo to promote a workshop event she was hosting. This photo is personalized, branded, and effective in catching your eye and enticing people to learn more about the event. LOVE this example!!

7. Instagram {Brand Awareness}

instaUsing Styled Stock photography on Instagram doesn’t always have to be with a promotion. You can simply use them like the Bloguettes to continue to offer high quality images that appeal to your audience. This is a genius way to grow brand awareness on social media.

8. Website Banner

website banner 1

Dear Miss Modern {aka Queen of Styled Stock Photography} showcases exactly how this gorgeous imagery can boost your brand by placing it on her front page as a large inviting banner which displays her incredible work.

9. Navigation


ByRegina is a branding bad a$$. Everything she creates is gorgeous and unique to her style. She cleverly uses styled stock photography as sidebar navigation on her website. She uses the images to showcase various courses she offers. {You could also use these to link to various categories on your site} Options Options!

10. Facebook Cover Photo

11401436_860784347329420_8428807637480984656_nFemale Entrepreneur Association uses styled stock as a Facebook cover. It unites their branding between their website and social media, plus they utilize it to showcase a free series they’re hosting {Gold Star for Multiple Uses!}

11. Featured Images

featured imagesAnother of our favorite ways to use these gorgeous photos is to use them for Blog Featured Images! These are different than blog graphics and it gives us another excuse to get creative and fancy.

There you have 11 amazing examples of how to use styled stock photography to grow your brand!

{Plus a Bonus Example Used Below: Opt In Buttons!} 

Which one is your favorite? Did I miss any? Let us know in the comments. 

opt in box

Kat Sullivan

Kat Sullivan is the CEO & Founder of Marketing Solved and Co-Founder of TASSI. The Automated Social Software Inc. She has worked with and successfully coached over 20,000 business owners. Kat has been recognized as the social..

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