13 Things You Need to Do Right Now to Drive Traffic - Marketing Solved

13 Things You Need to Do Right Now to Drive Traffic

13 Things You Need to Do Right Now to Start Driving Traffic To Your Website - Marketing Solved

As more and more businesses pop up every day, it’s important to continuously look at ways to drive more traffic to your website. If you want to sell more products, more services, make more money, get more subscribers, get more social fans – you NEED more traffic.

Traffic is your key to being visible – it’s YOUR tool to attract people to your business.

I know it might sound overwhelming but traffic is everywhere. All you have to do is turn it on and with a few simple strategies, you can start to see results.

13 Things You Need to Do Right Now to Drive Traffic To Your Website Checklist - Marketing Solved

(PS – You can download the Free Traffic Driving Checklist Here)

You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on advertising or an SEO agency to get traffic, you need a few key understandings of how traffic works – combined with these powerful techniques that are working like gangbusters right now.

Your business success really comes down to your website traffic.

If people aren’t seeing your business – they aren’t buying from your business.

Website traffic is the foundation for you to create a community, introduce your products and services, and share your expertise.

If you want a ridiculously simple but comprehensive strategy to driving thousands of people to your website, growing your subscribers and selling your products – every day – on autopilot – here’s a FREE Training for you.  It’s step by step and walks you through how to go from zero subscribers  to passive income.

A few short months after Marketing Solved launched, I stuck with a few key strategies that ended up driving me over 10k hits of traffic a month – and grew our subscriber list from 0 – 3,000 in 3 months. So if you’ve been looking for proven ways to drive traffic to your website or offers – here is exactly what you need to do right now to start driving traffic.

1) Pinterest – Pinning Pinning Pinning.

Pinterest is the number 1 traffic driver to my website. In fact, it’s the number 1 traffic driver to every website I have and the first thing I do with new clients. Pinterest is in itself a search engine and if you want to be found by the millions of users, you need to be sharing your content there.

Every time you post a new blog post, new product, or new service – you have to pin that to Pinterest. You’re leaving money on the table not using this platform.

Now that you know you have to be on Pinterest, here are a few strategies you can use to drive even more traffic from Pinterest.

2) Make a “Pinnable Image” on every single blog post.

A pinnable image is an image that you add to your blog posts that has the title of your blog post on it.  This is what you will use to share your blog posts to Pinterest. This is ALSO what other people will use to save your blog posts to Pinterest.

If you want to start driving massive traffic to your website, you have to have this graphic. This can make or break your Pinterest success.

Let me show you why.

Here is an example of an amazing article I found and I wanted to Pin it to my Pinterest account so I could refer to it later. When I clicked my pin it button – these are the images that came up. There was no Pinnable Image. This would make it hard for other Pinterest users to want to read or repin the article and it would make it hard for me to reference it later.
How to drive more traffic to your website right now
Here’s an example of what a Pinnable Image looks like – you can see how it stands out and screams “Pin Me!” making it foolproof for readers that come to your site.10 Ways to Drive More Traffic to your website right now

3) Add your own image description to your Pinnable image.

Along with your custom graphic you’ve created for your article, ideally, you want to name the image the title of your blog post. This way – when someone comes to your article and they pin it – the pin will automatically populate YOUR description. People are lazy, they’re going to leave whatever description automatically populates so you have to control it. Having your description will make it easier for your image to appear as a search result also.

See the example here and look at the description:Pinterest Pin Description Example - Marketing Solved
4) Add a Call to Action to your Pinnable Image

Tell people to pin your pinnable image. Remind them to save it for later and pin it! This way their entire Pinterest network sees it also. (Bonus!) You can see the example below, right underneath I nudge people to pin it.

Pin Call to Action - Marketing Solved

5) Promoted Pins

This has completely changed the way I do business online. Promoted pins recently came on the scene and I cracked the code to using it to grow my business.

Promoted pins will get you more traffic – forever.

Here’s why this is so critical – when you promote a pin, you’re able to put it directly in front of your target market. Basically you’re giving it a head start to becoming a popular pin that gets repinned a lot. Pinterest will show more people their popular pins. So as it starts to get repinned, it can then be found as a top search result which will continue to get repinned and drive traffic.

I teach you ALL about this in this FREE Pinterest For Profits training. Read more about the Pinterest case study I ran and see the results for yourself. You’ll be amazed!!

Here’s a snapshot of a promoted pin that brings me thousands of high quality readers every month:

6) SEO – SEO – SEO

SEO everything. SEO every blog post, every social media post, every image. Use the keywords you want your website or article to be found from and put them in your titles, in your content, name your images with the keywords and make sure you share those same titles on SEO. This helps keep a congruent string of keywords linking back to your post. This can be a huge boost in search engine traffic.If you have a wordpress website, use the SEO Yoast plugin to help you optimize each post.

7) Social Media Bio’s

This is a hidden gem for traffic. Put your website url in every single social media bio you have. You’ll be amazed at how much traffic this drives to your website.I covered this in a detailed 3 minute video tutorial here.

8) Revive Old Posts

A BRILLIANT WordPress plug-in that automatically cycles through your blog posts and shares them on your social networks.

I recently discovered this plug in as a way to recycle old blog content I had previously written. After you write a blog post, you don’t really continue to promote it. You move on and promote your recent articles. This plugin solves that. You can select how often you want them to be shared, what networks, what format, and even what categories of posts you want to share. If you’re a wordpress user, grab this plugin – you will be so happy with the results and TRAFFIC you get from sharing your existing content.How to drive traffic to your website right now

9) Email Marketing

Emailing your subscribers can drive loads of high quality traffic to your website. You can write your blog posts in the email with a link back to the entire article or you can send a roundup of articles you’ve written to encourage and entice readers to visit your website. If you’re not sure how to get more email subscribers, here’s a tutorial that shows you a few killer strategies to amplify your email marketing.

10) Facebook Groups

Share share share! Now, I don’t want you to spam all your Facebook groups with links to your blog. In fact, don’t even think about doing this.

If you’re engaging and networking in Facebook groups and you see an opportunity to share an article you’ve written that can help or provide value to someone – share your post! Make sure you’re allowed to share in that group, many groups have rules in place to keep the groups clean and relevant so double check before you drop your link.

If you’re looking for an awesome Facebook group to join that’s packed with value, join our Marketing Solved community!

11) Facebook Advertising

Facebook ads are a very popular and effective technique for driving traffic to your website. Even a few dollars a day can make a huge difference. And if you’re getting people to subscribe to your email list, you can use your email marketing to drive these same visitors back to your site.

12) Link to Related Content on Your Website

When you write your posts, be sure to link to other articles you’ve written that are relevant. This gives more value to your readers, helps with SEO, and increases the time people are on your site longer, conversion rates, and referral traffic.

13) Social Share Buttons

These prompt your readers to share your articles with their social networks. Imagine if everyone of your visitors shared a piece of your content with their network – that would be a HUGE traffic driver!

Readers can easily share with a click of a button AND they’re more inclined to share when you prompt them too!

I use the Shareaholic plugin on WordPress and when people see the amount of shares, they’re encouraged to share as well. Great tool for increasing your traffic.

This plugin has a CALL TO ACTION on it that tells people “Sharing is Caring” and points at the share buttons. This WORKS!
How to drive more traffic to your website right now

There you have 13 rock solid strategies that you can implement RIGHT NOW to start getting more traffic to your website.

One of the biggest mistakes I see website and business owners make is creating tons of great content and then NOT focusing on how they’re going to get readers. If you write it – they will not just show up unless you take strategic steps to attract readers to your site. You don’t need hundreds of thousands of hits of traffic to make a lot of money online – but you do need a strategy and it stars with high quality traffic.

Traffic means more readers, more people seeing your business, more people looking at your products, more people subscribing to your email list, and more people BUYING your products.

Now that you have to know to drive traffic to your website – you HAVE to set up a system to turn that traffic into buyers. 

You should have a goal in mind for every visitor that comes to your site.

Do you want them to read an article and then just disappear forever?


Do you have a goal in mind? Do you want them to subscribe to your email list? Look at your products? Buy your services?

Now we’re talking! 

Traffic is ONE aspect to running a successful business online – having a plan for what to do WITH that traffic is the next step You have to have a system in place to convert that traffic into buyers.

This is the exact strategy we go into detail with in our FREE Training (including how to set up pins that drive tons of traffic, how to turn all your traffic into subscribers, and how to turn your subscribers into buyers).

All of these strategies can make a tremendous difference for your business and with your profit.

Now download the FREE checklist here and start taking action! 13 Things You Need to Do Right Now to Drive Traffic To Your Website Checklist - Marketing Solved


Pin the Graphic Below to Save It & Refer to it Later! 

13 Things You Need to Do Right Now to Start Driving Traffic To Your Website - Grab the PDF at Marketing Solved


Kat Sullivan

Kat Sullivan is the CEO & Founder of Marketing Solved and Co-Founder of TASSI. The Automated Social Software Inc. She has worked with and successfully coached over 20,000 business owners. Kat has been recognized as the social..

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