25 Things You Can Do To Market Your Business - Marketing Solved

25 Things You Can Do To Market Your Business

In today’s competitive business world, marketing is essential to the success of any business. However, with so many marketing options available, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start. The good news is that there are a wide range of marketing strategies you can use to promote your business, both online and offline. Whether you’re a small startup or an established business looking to expand your reach, this article will give you 25 actionable marketing tips and tricks to help you grow your business and connect with your target audience. From social media marketing to SEO, email marketing, and more, we’ve got you covered with a comprehensive list of effective marketing strategies. So let’s dive in and explore 25 things you can do to market your business and take it to the next level!


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Now – let’s dive in to the 25 Things You Can Do to Market Your Business!

1. Use Social Media – I know, this is a given but I literally grew my business from the ground up using only social media so I have seen the benefits first hand! If you need some ideas for marketing your business on social media, this post will give you the goods.

2. Host a Free Training – Record a quick video training, host a webinar or free call sharing your expertise. Remember to offer your services at the end for people who need more assistance.

3. Send Notes to Past Clients –  Check in on them and see if they need any further services you can provide.

4. Ask for Referrals – Reach out to friends, family, acquaintances, and business associates letting them know about your business and how you can help. Ask them for referrals!

5. Attend a Meetup or Networking Event – These are a gold mine to share your business! Check with local chamber of commerce’s, business groups, or business events you can attend and network with others.

6. Promote a Discount or a Special Offer – This is a great way to attract new and old clients. Give them an incentive to work with you again!

7. Email Your Subscriber List – If you have one, this is an excellent source for business. They have already subscribed to your list so offer them what they know you can do! Need help getting started with email list building? This post will get you started right away 🙂

8. Write a Guest Post – This will help you get in front of a brand new audience! Choose another website or blogger that has a similar target audience as you.


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9. Strategic Relationships – Align yourself with other business owners and create a partnership where you promote each others services to their audiences.

10. Network in Facebook Groups – Another gold mine! There are groups made just for networking, groups filled with business owners of all industries, and you can do a simple search to find the right ones to start networking in.

11. Create a YouTube Video – YouTube has a HUGE audience of viewers and this could help you get in front of a whole new group of ideal clients.

12. Speak at an Event – Contact local colleges or business networks and offer to speak about your expertise.

13. Create a Freebie – Create a high value free resource for your ideal fans that they can opt in to your email list for. Checklists, Challenges, Resource Guides, or Mini Courses – there is a lot of opportunity to grow your business with freebies.

14. Host a Giveaway – Want to get new eyes on your brand? Give something away. Whether it’s products or even a service, this can give you a pool of new people who need what you have to market to in the future.

15. Sponsor an Event – Find a way to give back to your community and either make a donation or contribute your services to an organization in exchange for a business promotion.

16. Offer an Affiliate Program – Sign up former customers or strategic partners as affiliates to sell your products or services. Then each time they make a sale, you both get paid.

17. Interview Others – Seek out industry influencers and interview them! Chances are good they share your interview with their network and help spread the word about your business.

18. Host Your Own Event – Charge a small fee to cover costs and  blow people away by giving them a ton of value! Give them something to talk about and share with their network.

19. Run a Facebook Ad – These are hot hot hot right  now and for good reason. They provide results! Offer your freebie, products, or just promote your page. Either way, this can be a huge benefit to growing your business.

20. Host a Twitter Chat – Connect with other Twitter users and chat about topics you are experts in. Use a cohesive hashtag and have everyone invite their fans to join.

Need some more Marketing Ideas? Here’s 207

207 Marketing Ideas

21. Reach Out to Local Media – Contact local papers and news stations and tell them about your business! See if they will write a feature story on you.

22. Comment on Blogs – Comment on Influencer Blogs, make them thoughtful and relevant. Other fans will see them and be interested in who you are.

23. Comment on Social Media – Want to get noticed? Leave comments on Facebook pages and Reply to Influencers. Their followers will see your responses and it’s a great way to establish your expertise.

24. Periscope – This new social network is a great way to put your value out in the world. Remember to ask viewers to share with their networks.

25. Guest Post on Other Websites – Get your content out in front of as many people as you can!

To make it easy for you to market your business, we’ve created this graphic 25 Things You Can Do to Market Your Business to help you know exactly what tasks to focus on. The great news is that there are endless opportunities to market your business every day.


Save or Pin the graphic below or Download the FREE PDF Here!

25 things you can do to market your business

There you have a quick 25 ways to market your business to get you in front of a brand new audience that will help grow your brand. The more exposure and visibility you have, the more business you will have coming your way. Don’t be shy, be proud of your business and get yourself out there.


Kat Sullivan

Kat Sullivan is the CEO & Founder of Marketing Solved and Co-Founder of TASSI. The Automated Social Software Inc. She has worked with and successfully coached over 20,000 business owners. Kat has been recognized as the social..

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