8 Pinterest SEO Hacks That Get More Followers, Repins, & Clicks - Marketing Solved

8 Pinterest SEO Hacks That Get More Followers, Repins, & Clicks

Pinterest has been a consistent source of traffic, leads, and sales for us here at Marketing Solved. Just last month, we had 3.6 monthly organic (free) impressions…and we gained 800 new followers.

Want to hear the BEST part? We did *very little* marketing. We’re simply using an evergreen traffic strategy tied directly into SEO. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is one of the most powerful tools you can leverage for Pinterest – because with just a few tweaks to your profile & pins, you’ll be able to massively increase your results.

One thing you’ll want to keep in mind about Pinterest and why it’s so powerful compared to other networks.

Pinterest is a search based platform.

Meaning – people go to Pinterest to search for things they are looking for. It’s like Google…but all the results are images. This means – the more relevant your keywords are, the more likely you can rank as a higher search result. The more you can do this – the more exposure, repins, followers, and clicks you’ll get.

These 8 Pinterest SEO Hacks Will Get You More Followers, Repins, & Clicks.

Now, in the video, I’ll break down my top 7 SEO Hacks to rank higher on Pinterest, to get more followers, & to get more clicks. But, there’s a BONUS HACK, Hack #8, where you’ll learn an EXCLUSIVE (never before shared, no one else is teaching) hack that has helped our pins outperform our other content – with a small little formula.

Below the video, you’ll get the Pinterest SEO Hacks in list form with a few tips. BUT, if you have time, watch the video as I snuck quite a few bonus tips in there for you with several examples for easy execution.

If you found the video helpful, please consider subscribing to our YouTube channel! 

8 Pinterest SEO Hacks That Get More Followers, Repins, & Clicks


HACK #1 – ACCOUNT NAME  – This is SEARCHABLE and can make a huge difference in the amount of followers you have.

HACK #2 – ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION / BIO – Also Searchable! Make sure you add in what people will get from your account, your keywords, and a call to action!

HACK #3 – BOARD TITLES – Each Board title should be optimized for search. Since people can search specifically for board, the more optimized the title – the higher you’ll rank. These are quick and easy to edit and can make a huge impact.

Pinterest SEO HACKS - Kat Sullivan, Princess of Pinterest


HACK #4 – BOARD DESCRIPTIONS – Each Board title should be optimized for search. Since people can search specifically for board, the more optimized the title – the higher you’ll rank. These are quick and easy to edit and can make a huge impact.


HACK #5 – PIN TITLES – A critical component to ranking high in search. You’ll want to make your pin titles straight to the point but optimized with keywords. 
These STAND OUT as a bold title and quickly catch users attention, use it wisely.


HACK #6 – PIN DESCRIPTIONS – In my opinion, this is the most critical space for your SEO. You’ll want to ensure the description tells what the pin is about, what keywords you want to be found for, & a call to action if necessary.



HACK #7 – STORY PINS & VIDEO  – These are KILLING it right now on Pinterest. The newest features always get the most exposure and this is a phenomenal tool you can use right now. Use your keywords and pin titles on your videos and enjoy a ton of impressions, clicks, repins, and followers!

Look at the examples below. Video Pin & Story Pins – the exact same piece of content with wildly different results. BOTH dominated a static graphic. Definitely give this a try.


HACK #8 – EXCLUSIVE BONUS HACK You’ll have to tune in to the video to get this exclusive hack. It’s the exact formula we’re using right now to get 3 – 4 million organic impressions. It’s a good one!


Hope you found some amazing tips here to help you dominate on Pinterest. To help you even further, we put together 75 Pinterest Resources for you that includes Printables, Checklists, Tutorials, Videos, Guides, + More! Download it for free, right here.


Kat Sullivan

Kat Sullivan is the CEO & Founder of Marketing Solved and Co-Founder of TASSI. The Automated Social Software Inc. She has worked with and successfully coached over 20,000 business owners. Kat has been recognized as the social..

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