10 Business Resources & Tools Every Entrepreneur Needs Right Now - Marketing Solved

10 Business Resources & Tools Every Entrepreneur Needs Right Now

What do you need to help your business succeed?

Ask this question in a room of 50 entrepreneurs and you’ll get 50 different answers. There great news is there are so many incredible resources you can use to help your business. The bad news is there are a lot to choose from.

To help you narrow it down, we chose our favorite 9 resources and tools entrepreneurs need  to help them make faster, bigger, more strategic moves in their business. We’ll share a few tips on how they work and how you can use them to get ahead.

Here’s the 10 Business Resources Every Entrepreneur Needs Right Now:


This is an all in one, social media management software. On average, small business owners spend 24 hours a month managing their business’ social media…Crazy, right?

TASSI turns those hours into minutes. The software is an all in one calendar, scheduler, and has the content done for you.

It  comes preloaded with tons of recommended posts, prewritten statuses and customizable images. What used to take me 6 to 10 hours per week, only takes me a few minutes a month now.


The Boss Test :

This is an excellent starting place for any new or established entrepreneur. This test will take 30 minutes of your time but give you an incredibly in depth overview of your business. This test measures 9 areas from Business Owner to Business Finances, Sales, Marketing, Systems and more. Just taking the test will have you thinking through your business details and uncovering areas you might not have even considered improving.

You’ll get a detailed report that shows you your areas of strengths and weaknesses. It also suggests actions steps and places that you can make improvements. Even HOW you should be making these improvements.

It’s like a business plan and overview and an action guide, all in one. Definitely a must do.



You have to integrate video into your marketing. It’s non-negotiable. Gone are the days of outsourcing this and paying high fees to have videos to promote your business! InVideo provides you with everything you need to create custom videos to show off your business and your content.

Want to see how it in action? We created a video to promote this article! 

I love it because you can now present your content to your audience, in a different way. For the people who love video and don’t have time to read a full article, this alternative is a slam dunk.



Not Amazon Alexa, but Alexa the website traffic analyzer.

When you go to the website, you can scroll down towards the bottom and there’s a section that says “Browse Top Sites” – this is a goldmine of information you need.

Enter your website url and Alexa will give you a full data review of your traffic, keywords, websites linking in, and so much more.

Not only can you learn a lot about what’s currently working in your business, you can review and analyze any of your competitors!



While we’re on the topic of data, BuzzSumo should be added to that list. It’s one of the tools we use to help us create new content for our website and social media. This tool lets you analyze the most popular and most shared pieces of content on the web. It will give you the number of shares

That gives you an idea of what’s popular now so you can build on the topics momentum.

BONUS TIP: I like to review what content was popular on a completely different topic or industry. Then I use that theme and create brand new content for my industry.

For example: if you search “sewing machines” – you’ll generate all the results for articles written on the topic. Based on what’s popular, you can switch out “sewing machines” for your product.

If “Best Sewing Machine For Beginners” is the top result, you could write an article for another industry by changing the product topic to “Best Marketing Websites For Beginners”


If you are going to be creating ANY graphics for your business, it’s best to use the best. We get messages daily from people asking how we create our social media graphics and our not so secret tool is Canva.

Canva has templates, elements, even images you can use for free to create custom graphics for your business. It’s really easy to use and has just about everything a small business needs.


Creative Market 

Another thing we get asked a lot about is where we get various elements that we use. Things like fonts, templates, stock photo’s, mockups, gold elements, even designed keynote slides. There are so many options on Creative Market.

BONUS: Each Monday they give away 6 items for FREE.



Score is a website resource filled with tools and templates to help you in your business. Whether you’re looking for a Marketing Template, a Sales Forecast Worksheet, or even Brand Messaging – there are templates for almost everything. The best part? They’re free.


Facebook Groups: 

We have found Facebook groups are a huge resource for business owners. I primarily find the niche specific groups to provide the most information for what I’m looking for.

For example, when we launched our social media management software, TASSI, I joined several SAAS groups and was able to make some connections with other SAAS creators and developers to collaborate on marketing ideas and launch tactics.



You may come across a time where you need to seek some additional funding. I’ve never used Fundera but I’ve heard great things about it and their connection to helping small business owners. If you find yourself in a financial crunch or are looking to do some scaling, definitely worth keeping this resource on your list.


These 9 Business Resources & Tools Every Entrepreneur Needs Right Now are going to be great additions to your business tool belt!


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9 Business Resources & Tools Every Entrepreneur Needs Right Now // #businessresources // #businesstools // business tools & resources // #smallbusinessresources

Kat Sullivan

Kat Sullivan is the CEO & Founder of Marketing Solved and Co-Founder of TASSI. The Automated Social Software Inc. She has worked with and successfully coached over 20,000 business owners. Kat has been recognized as the social..

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