Key Elements Of An Effective Landing Page

Key Elements Of An Effective Landing Page

A company can spend a lot of money to boost their digital presence. Whether it be a website, social media pages/profile, videos on youtube, and/or other avenues; companies are using these mediums to promote their business on the internet. However, the question still remains: How do you increase conversion rates through digital media?

Relax, it can be done by creating a good landing page.

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What Is A Landing Page?

A landing page is a single webpage on which a visitor will land after clicking on your advertisement or search result. Landing pages are nothing like the main website of a company. Your main site is designed with a general purpose in mind.  It speaks of corporate values and brand information and is usually loaded with links to navigate visitors around your site.

A landing page is designed for a specific and single purpose only. It should be immediately apparent to your visitors what you want them to do and what they will receive by doing so.

Note: The main objective of a landing page is to limit all the options available on your homepage, helping to guide visitors toward your intended conversion goal.

Creating an exceptional landing page will be a great marketing tool in which you or your company can utilize.

So, are you interested in creating an amazing landing page?  Here we go –

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Important Elements Of A Successful Landing Page

Your landing page should have the following components to make it outstanding:

  • Capture Your Visitor’s Attention
    The primary focus should be to capture your visitor’s attention. The design and overall structure of your landing page creates a huge impact on its effectiveness and how well it drives conversions. Your landing page should make it as easy as possible for a visitor to see your offer and buy/opt-in. It is important that all components of your page work towards the conversion objective.
  • Trust Indicators
    In order to obtain visitor information, it is important to develop a trust. This way they will feel comfortable giving you all the information you need to convert them as a lead.  Trust indicators can be things like statistical evidence, notable companies you have worked with, previous client testimonies, case studies, etc… For example, a job portal company may include on their landing page, ““1 million jobs seekers chose us to get their desired job”. This generates trust.
  • CTA Button
    A Call To Action (CTA) button is to encourage the visitors to take the action in which you intend. A click on the CTA button will capture a visitor’s information through a lead form. You can capture a visitor’s information by having a quick form to fill out to gain their email address in exchange for a freebie of some sort.
  • Lead Capture Form
    The most important element of a landing page is your lead capture form.  This should be a super short questionnaire that they fill out, which enables you to catch their persona.  This way you can keep in contact with them and send relevant information or product releases after they have left your page. It is extremely important that you make users fill out as few form fields as possible. The more questions you ask a visitor to enter, the less chance you have of them filling out the form.

These were some key elements which your landing page must have. Feel free to write your thoughts in our comment box. Thank you for reading!

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Aditya Singh

Hi, I am Aditya Singh, I am a passionate musician and writer, currently much focused on understanding and writing on worldwide recruitment scenario.

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