The Ultimate Guide to Blog Post Ideas - Marketing Solved

The Ultimate Guide to Blog Post Ideas

Ultimate Guide to Creating Blog Posts Free Guide

Ever find yourself stuck in front of the screen, unsure of what you should blog about next? It’s ok if you have, it happens to the best of us. So how do you get yourself out of writers block so the ideas start flowing?

Here’s a few tips that I’ve used over the past few years that has made creating blog posts easy breezy! Plus, because Freebies are really the best – I created the Ultimate Guide to Blog Post Ideas which is PACKED with ideas, blog post topics,  blog post formulas and includes some BONUS resources that you can use to help you come up with hundreds of blog posts.

Tip 1 to Never Running Out of Blog Content –

Keep a running Blog Post List. This means that on your phone or on your computer, you have a doc where you can add blog post ideas at any time. Sometimes the best ideas come to me when I’m driving and not in front of the computer so I make sure to jot those down on a notepad that I later transfer to a master doc called “Marketing Solved Blog Posts” and keep that bad boy full at all times.

Tip 2 – Pinterest, Baby –

I have a secret Pinterest board called “Blog Post Ideas” where I pin ideas for blog posts. (obviously 😉 ) This has been a game changer!!  I don’t recommend you copy other people’s blog posts but I do recommend you add posts that inspire you to write about a certain topic. For example, if I see a blog post about how to get more Pinterest followers but it missed a few tips that I know are helpful…that is a blog post idea that I’ll pin.

Tip 3 – Listen Listen Listen –

Here’s where you’ll find your BEST content. What are people asking you for help with? What are you seeing people struggle with? Are you in Facebook groups? This is a gold mine to see what people have questions about that YOU can help with. Pay attention to what others need and that is where you’ll find a way to provide massive value.

Tip 4 – Download the FREE Ultimate Blog Post Guide –

This has 123 different ideas just to get you started from different post types, to How To’s, Numbered Lists, Guides, Tips, Questions, and a whole lot more. Download your free guide here.

There you have it! Never run out of blog post ideas, ever again.

Any questions? Let me know in the comments 🙂

marketing solved



Alex Williams

My name is Alex Williams. I am a journalism graduate, and a rookie blogger trying to find my luck. Blogs are the perfect opportunity for presenting yourself to wider audience, getting the chance to showcase my expertise..

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