Free Social Media Strategy Blueprint - Marketing Solved

Free Social Media Strategy Blueprint


Let’s cut to the chase, you’re here because you need a social media strategy. You need it fast. And, you need it to be free.

Download Yours Here   

Backing up now, we can dive right in to what’s important when it comes to creating a social media strategy.

It’s possible…you might… a little frustrated about how to rock your social media strategy, grow 10 million followers, and make a gajillion dollars.

Sound about right?

Ok, well – you’re in the right place now. You’ve found what you’re looking for. Look no further.

Are you reassured yet? 🙂

Don’t forget, you can download your free strategy blueprint which covers everything mentioned here, oh and it’s entirely free for you, just enter in your email and enjoy!

Here’s what you need to create a killer social media strategy:

  • Online Marketing Goals:
    Get specific. How much are you trying to grow? How many followers? How many clicks? How fast? How frequently are you going to post?


  • How to Create an Engagement Strategy: 
    How are you going to motivate people to engage? Click, like, comment and share? What kind of content are you going to post? Graphics? Texts? Polls?


  • Daily Management: 
    How often are you posting? When are you responding to comments or messages?  How do you handle negative comments? What posts got the most interaction? What are you analytics saying?


  • Posting Schedule: 
    How often are you posting? What days? Times? When are you promoting? What kind of content? Who’s creating the content?


    How are you leveraging social media? Are you using it to drive traffic to your website? Are you sending clicks to your products? On what social channels? Are you using it to build your email list?


  • New Client Strategy: 
    How are you generating new clients? With offers? Free offers? Promoting new products?


  • Advertising Strategy: 
    What kind of advertising are you running? What are your objectives? Who will write and design them? What is your daily / weekly / monthly budget?

Once you work through getting crystal clear on the above, you can work towards putting it together and your execution strategy. Like, who’s going to handle what, how, with what tools, etc…

Remember this, the best part of having a social media strategy is that you know what you’re doing every single day. None of this no plan, not sure what to post, never promoting or converting type of strategy.

Create your blueprint and follow it. Change it when you need to. But the most important part to remember is that if you want your social media strategy to work, you have to show up – consistently. Every day.


Free Social Media Strategy Blueprint // Download this Free Social Media Strategy Guide // Free Social Media Marketing Plan
Free Social Media Strategy Blueprint // Download this Free Social Media Strategy Guide // Free Social Media Marketing Plan
Free Social Media Strategy Blueprint // Download this Free Social Media Strategy Template // Free Social Media Marketing Plan
Free Social Media Strategy Blueprint // Download this Free Social Media Strategy Template // Free Social Media Marketing Plan

Kat Sullivan

Kat Sullivan is the CEO & Founder of Marketing Solved and Co-Founder of TASSI. The Automated Social Software Inc. She has worked with and successfully coached over 20,000 business owners. Kat has been recognized as the social..

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