How to Create a Sales Funnel That Gets You Sales Daily on AutoPilot - Marketing Solved

How to Create a Sales Funnel That Gets You Sales Daily on AutoPilot

How to Create a Sales Funnel That Gets Leads, Subscribers, & Sales Daily - On Autopilot. Free Email Course from Marketing Solved

How to Create A Sales Funnel That Gets You Leads, Subscribers, & Sales Daily – On Autopilot.


Sales Funnels are more than an industry buzzword. They really are proven to change the way you do business online.

To start, join thousands of others who have taken this free email course (I’ve been told it’s one of the best sales funnel courses on the market and better than paid courses)  that will show you exactly how to set up a SIMPLE sales funnel for your business so you can start hearing the cha-ching daily. Grab that right now before you go any farther.

If you’re tired of working for every sale, if you want a system to set up your products or services to sell automatically, and if you’re ready to start saving time and earn some passive income, YOU are in the right place.

You might be thinking:

  • What the heck is a funnel?
  • That sounds spammy…
  • Why do I need a funnel?
  • I don’t know how to set up a funnel – I’m a newbie, I hate tech….overwhelm city!

I hear ya! It’s ok – when I tell people we’re going to set up a funnel their eyes get big and I can see the FEAR in their eyes! And it’s understandable. There are a lot of misconceptions about sales funnels and we’re going to clear that all up today.

Let’s start with the basics –

The term “sales funnel” is really a technical way of explaining the customer acquisition process. It does sound a bit spammy.

The idea of being in someone’s funnel while they try to sell you stuff doesn’t sound too appealing so why would you want to do this to others? You don’t.

But getting leads, that become subscribers, that become buyers – while providing massive value and  making money on autopilot – that sounds like “FUN” – right?

Now we’re talking. These are the types of “Fun”nels  (see what I did there?) that I want you to be excited about.

Sales Funnels can also be referred to as the customer relationship building process – totally NOT spammy!

-ok, moving on.

Why do you need a funnel?

Because hustling for every single sale, spending hours creating products, offering services, fulfilling sales, making your content, marketing, social media, accounting, advertising, management, customer services…to name a few –  are CRAZY time consuming!

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could put in a bit of upfront effort, set up an automated process that take new leads through, so they get to know, like, and trust you, then you can organically introduce your products so they’re inclined to buy.

NOW we’re talking! That’s the type of sales funnel you’re going to learn how to create.

How do you do this?

You set up a SYSTEM. A system that you set up one time, that captures every single lead, automates the sales process and rings in the sales.  A system that sells on AUTO PILOT!

Here’s why you need to get serious about systematizing your sales process:

1) You make money on auto pilot. Why not start with the most important reason, right? If you want to bring in sales every day, you will never get ahead if you sell each one individually.

2) Time is VALUABLE – Systems make running a business easier…which makes your LIFE easier. Imagine all the time you’ll free up when you can stop focusing on repeating the same efforts over and over again. Are you picturing how you’ll be spending your time? Maybe on a beach, with a pina colada…me too 😉

3) Leads, leads, leads – You are going to be blown away by the leads that you get signing up every day. And these are leads that you can market to over and over again. That is priceless.

4) Rinse & Repeat – You can use this same strategy multiple times – for multiple products – or multiple businesses – Forever.

Alright, I’m guessing you’re probably dying to sign up and get started but might feel overwhelmed with the actual setup process.

The email course will show you step by step how to set this up from the beginning to the end. I’ve simplified the process for you and put together a crazy easy format for anyone to get started with. I broke it down into easy – actionable steps that will set you up with a profitable sales funnel in under 1 week – no overwhelm.

Here’s what others had to say:

test 7


testimonial 6

marketing solved testimonialteset 4
Marketing Solved Testimonial

Ok Kat! But, seriously…FREE?

You betcha! Sales Funnels CHANGED the way I do business. Since my products are evergreen (meaning, they sell year round – no open and close of enrollment) I couldn’t go with the marketing techniques that the big guru’s recommended. “Buy it now! Cart’s closing” – So after some crazy ridiculous time spent doing things THEIR way, I decided to do things a little differently and do it my way.

I set up a few sales funnels to sell my products on autopilot. I tested, tried, and PROVED this works and I don’t want you to think there’s only one way to sell your products. I want to save you the time because time is precious and once you have these sales coming in every day, you can start scaling your business up!

Sign up for this Free Sales Funnel Email Course now and let’s start getting you sales every day.

If you’re excited about the course….do me a favor and Pin the image below to save and share 🙂

How to Create a Sales Funnel That Gets Leads, Subscribers, & Sales Daily - On Autopilot. Free Email Course from Marketing Solved

Kat Sullivan

Kat Sullivan is the CEO & Founder of Marketing Solved and Co-Founder of TASSI. The Automated Social Software Inc. She has worked with and successfully coached over 20,000 business owners. Kat has been recognized as the social..

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