How to Manage & Automate Your Social Media in 1 Hour a Month - Marketing Solved

How to Manage & Automate Your Social Media in 1 Hour a Month

It’s no secret that managing social media the RIGHT WAY can take quite a bit of time and effort.

There’s planning, creating graphics, finding content, writing statuses, perfecting the balance of providing value and promoting your business – oh, and of course, the actual time it takes to post and schedule out on all the different platforms you want to be on.

It CAN be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be.

Over the last few years I have perfected how to use social media to grow my business – in fact, it’s the ONLY thing I ever used. Just to give you a bit of backstory, in 12 months – I was able to go from brand new in the market place – to achieving over 80,000 fans collected across social media. I’ve also grown a nice sized email list of over 10,000 and growing, and I’ve increased my income…800% – while spending less than $1600 on Facebook ads.

I know how important it is to use social media for your business and how using it effectively, can truly help you amplify your success.

Now, of course – the one thing that gets us all…TIME.

Well, I want to help you cut your social media time to just 1 hour a month. That’s no exaggeration! I know you’re probably thinking that’s impossible but it’s true and I’ll show you the step-by-step system to do it.

In fact, I hosted a training showing you the exact system for managing your social media in 1 hour a month! It’s easier than you think.

The training is absolutely FREE and you can watch it here. 

In less than 12 months, this system has created:

★ A Facebook Page with over 5,000 engaged users
★ An active Facebook group with over 4,500 engaged users
★ Over 41,000 Website Visitors per month from Social Media
★ An email list of over 10,000 subscribers ★ Grow my business Social media & Personal social media to over 74,000 fans
★ Increase our income 800%
★ While spending less than $1,600 on Facebook ads

– I’ve also worked with WORLD CLASS Businesses & Entrepreneurs
– Spoke on stage and online in front of thousands of entrepreneurs
– We’ve been able to donate significantly and Give Back!

Most importantly – I’ve created the perfect strategy to help you automate your monthly marketing so you can grow your business while living your life!

The free training will let you can look over my shoulder as I implement this system so you can duplicate my short cut right away.


How to manage and automate your social media in 1 hour per month

Kat Sullivan

Kat Sullivan is the CEO & Founder of Marketing Solved and Co-Founder of TASSI. The Automated Social Software Inc. She has worked with and successfully coached over 20,000 business owners. Kat has been recognized as the social..

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