Behind the Scenes of How We Get 1 Million Pinterest Views a Month - Marketing Solved

Behind the Scenes of How We Get 1 Million Pinterest Views a Month

Pinterest offers a whole lot more for businesses than just a place to find recipes and party ideas. In fact, Pinterest can drive thousands of hits of traffic to your website each month – with a ridiculously low ad budget.

Here at Marketing Solved, we love to share our big marketing wins and this is one of them.

Last year we hit 6 million views from Pinterest and we were really happy with that! But that also told us there was room for growth – so as any good marketer, we went to work and started testing new strategies to see how we can maximize our return on the platform.

Last month, we hit 1 million views…for the MONTH. That is a big win and tells us our new marketing strategies are working, and they’re working well.

1 Million Monthly Views from Pinterest

If you’re wondering if Pinterest can work for you, sign up for this free video tutorial where I walk you through what you need to do to duplicate what we did.

One thing that’s incredibly helpful with Pinterest is the analytics they offer their business accounts.

The detailed data is unlike any other platform.

You can connect your website to Pinterest directly and get data specifically about your content and its performance on Pinterest.

This gives you true insight to understand exactly what content from your website people are seeing, clicking on, saving, and sharing.

Then, you can use this data to make better marketing decisions for your business!

In this video I take you behind the scenes to our Pinterest account where you can see how we’re getting 1 million Pinterest views – PER MONTH. You’ll also see how I use the data to make our marketing decisions and what we’ve done to continuously increase these numbers.

Watch the video and tell me what insights you found and then head over to your analytics and dive in for yourself.

Now if you want to AMPLIFY your results, watch this  100% free video tutorial where I walk you through what you need to do to duplicate what we did.

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Kat Sullivan

Kat Sullivan is the CEO & Founder of Marketing Solved and Co-Founder of TASSI. The Automated Social Software Inc. She has worked with and successfully coached over 20,000 business owners. Kat has been recognized as the social..

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