Effective Lead Generation Methods for B2B Organizations - Marketing Solved

Effective Lead Generation Methods for B2B Organizations

If you are a marketer, CEO, CIO, Co-founder or any other person who is directly or indirectly related to marketing activities in the B2B company, then lead generation is very important for you.

Do you guys know the biggest challenge in B2B marketing?

The answer is…………… Generating Lead!!!!

A lead is where it all begins. Without leads, there are no clients, no revenue, no business, nothing.

So, the obvious question for all the marketers is:  How can we generate leads?

There is no fixed recipe for lead generation.

But as a part of marketing team at Quovantis Technologies, I found some ways through which you can generate leads.

Related: Using Data Analytics to Attract the Right Audience to Your Content

Strategy of Lead Generation for B2B Organizations

As per the experience and after reading lots of blogs, I am sharing some points which are very essential for lead generation. You guys can read all the points and implement in your marketing activity.

  1. Email Newsletters– The Email marketing is very cost-effective solution that gives you the power to reach your potential customers in a place most people visit every day — their inbox.

E-mail is still a most compelling way to acquire customers than social media—nearly 40 times that of Facebook and Twitter.

Approx, 91 percent of US adults like to receive promotional emails from companies they do business with (MarketingSherpa, 2015)

As you can see in the screenshot email marketing is still on the top as compared to Twitter marketing, LinkedIn marketing, and Facebook marketing.

  1. Sales Calls – The direct sales call is another important strategy for B2B lead generation. In the sales call, there is a pre-arranged meeting between the salesperson and the customer. This pre-arranged call between these two guys are called sales call.

In this process, the communication starts with a good note and could convert sales into conversion.

Always remember one important thing in the sales call is that the salesperson must know about the background of his/her clients.

3. White Paper – The high-quality white paper will draw lead to your company website. However, a poorly written white paper may even repel prospects and erode the credibility of your company.

Here are some tips for generating lead

  1. Don’t sell something through white paper
  2. Use informational title
  3. Focus on your targeted audience
  4. Use the professional tone in your white paper
  5. Use the ideal length of the white paper
  6. Mention your company information at the end of the document
  7. Share your white paper on other marketing and social media channels
  1. Webinars – Webinar is a most powerful technique for B2B organizations for generating relevant leads. As per the report of the Content Marketing Institute, over 60% of the marketers now use webinars.

Those organizations and marketers who take it seriously can achieve great number of leads through webinars. Many organizations use them regularly, in most of the cases offering multiple webinars each week.

The word webinar is the combination of two main words WEB and SEMINAR.

A B2B webinar is a presentation through the web, to educate and engage with their target audience. The audience may be existing customer, new customer or prospects.

The main Question is why webinar is very important?

The main reason is that it is an interactive process. Participants can take part and respond in the real time. Both with each other and with the host company.

Few reasons why B2B organization use webinars?

It helps to increase your brand awareness and visibility

  • It can generate high-quality leads
  • To represent yourself as an expert in your field
  • To build healthy relationship
  • To generate engagement

What are the benefits of webinars?

  • Directly contact with your targeted group
  • Reach your target group both live and afterward
  • Interaction with your target group
  • Webinars save time and money
  1. Blog Post – Blog posting is a great way to increase your brand presence globally. It can help you to increase your Organic Search Engine Traffic. This is also a great way to generate leads.

By the help of blogging, you guys can promote your “brand service keywords”. Blog posting is a great way to share your knowledge in front of your website users. If your content quality is high or informational then users can follow your company website. And the possibilities of the lead generation goes high.

Look at the Blog post section of the Quovantis Technologies which is a product design and development company. These guys maintain their official blog page very well. They have shared their knowledge through blog posting. All the blogs are informational.

They basically focused on four categories.

  1. #Design – The design category provides a collection of blogs related to UI-UX design, design thinking, and design principles.
  2. #Tech – The tech category provides insights in technology practices and development across opensource, .net, mobile and frontend.
  3. #Agile – The Agile category provides insights to implement and practice Agile principles in Software design and development.
  4. #People & Practices – The people and practices category provides insights on various practices such as HR, entrepreneurship, management principles.

    Always remember important things before blog posting

  • Content must be informational rather than promotional.
  • Content must be 100% unique.
  • Content length must be 600 to 1000 words
  • Use attractive images in between content
  • Use paragraph and bullets
  • Make your content title SEO friendly
  • Use the main keyword in content 2-3 times, not more than that
  • Proper content interlinking
  1. Direct Mail – The concept of Direct Mail is mostly used for creating a qualified lead generation. This method is a time consuming but money saving. By this method, you guys can directly promote your organization brand and services.

The key way of succeeding in this method is by reaching prospective clients with the right offer and the right message.

No doubt about it…… Right Message and Right Offer may attract the client towards your organization.

Always remember important things before sending direct mail

  • Selling your products in a smart manner
  • Generate qualified sales leads rather than fake
  • Following up on inquiries very quickly
  • Always stay connected with your former clients
  • Getting more business from existing customers
  • Make a healthy and trustable relationship with your existing customers

Tarun Kohli CEO of Quovantis Technologies always said “One happy client makes ten more clients”

Forget about your competitors, Just focused on your customers”- by Jack Ma (Founder Alibaba Group)

Tools for Direct Mail Marketing

  • ActiveCampaign
  • MailChimp
  • GetResponse
  • ConvertKit
  • AWeber
  • Constant Contact
  1. Infographics –  Nowadays the power of infographics is incredible. A high-quality meaningful picture goes viral in seconds, as compared to the most well-written article. In the field of marketing, all the marketers want to promote their organization or personal brand as quickly as possible.

Is Infographics marketing part of Content Marketing?

Yes, it’s true infographics marketing is the part of content marketing. You guys can convert your content in the form of pictures. So, that your active users or followers can easily understand about your content meaning.

As we all know images are the best way to define the things in front of everyone. Same as in the marketing field Infographic is the very trending way to define your content summary in picture format. Which is very easy to understand for your followers or readers. Creating meaningful infographics is one of the most creative things.

No doubt about it, Infographics are the best way to boost your brand visibility. You can easily define your services, value or product in front of your targeted audience.

Before Designing the Infographics Remember few Points:

  • Choose the right topic as per your targeted audience interest
  • Choose trending topics, so that users love to view complete infographics
  • Track your competitor’s infographics
  • Always use current and correct facts and statistics
  • Use relevant quotes
  • Write the content to explain the images
  • Use creative and eye-catching design
  • Use relevant color and font

Harmeet Singh

Harmeet Singh is a digital marketing expert and works at Quovantis Technologies, which is a product design and development company. Connect with him on Twitter or LinkedIn.

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