How to Achieve a 50% Higher Conversion Rate with Video Marketing - Marketing Solved

How to Achieve a 50% Higher Conversion Rate with Video Marketing

Predictions stated that video will dominate the content marketing, as well as consumer traffic in a not so distant future. However, video decided to make an entry a bit earlier and exceed predictions with its popularity and efficiency. Using video as content has not only become popular, it has become beneficial – as consumers prefer to watch an entertaining video instead of reading a text. No surprise there, because a video can send a powerful message directly to the target audience in just a minute or two, while reading through texts can take a lot longer.

Nowadays, video marketing can help marketers and businesses alike, increase awareness, capture more attention, build relationships with audience and increase conversion rate and loyalty. Using video marketing, conversion rate can increase by 50 percent, and here is how.

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Using Video on Websites

Customers prefer video ads and product videos. Around 90 percent of users say that product videos are helpful in decision making, while mixing video with full page ads increases user engagement by 22 percent. It’s safe to say that website owners have better odds of capturing and holding the attention of potential customers by adding video content to their website, than other with other visual representations. This is especially beneficial to ecommerce businesses and websites that offer some kind of product or service on their website.

Furthermore, 64 percent of users are more willing to make a purchase online after watching a video. As a matter of fact, 4 times as many consumers would rather watch a video than read about the product. Moreover, a website can increase the conversion rate by 80 percent, just by adding a video to a landing page. It’s no wonder marketers see the value of video marketing and promotions. Video marketing has a greater impact on users and their decision making, as it combines advantages of other visuals into one format.

Using Video on Blogs

Blogs have always been a great asset for supplying users with additional information, additional lead generation and conversions. With the use of video marketing, both standalone bloggers and marketers who use blogs as support for a website, can benefit from the video popularity.

For example, four out of five users state that demo videos are very helpful. Not only that, but adding a video to e-mail newsletter when nurturing leads, increases the click-through rate by 200-300 percent. Furthermore, it’s important to optimize video content for mobile devices as well, because 53 percent of smartphone users prefer companies whose mobile sites and apps offer video content.

On the other hand, marketers who use blogs as stations where users can get additional information before visiting a website or a store can also benefit from using video, because almost 50 percent of users look for videos about a product before visiting a store. Shoppers that view a video are 1.81 times more likely to buy something, than those who don’t.

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Investing in Video

Video marketing is not just about adding a random video to your marketing campaign and expecting everyone to like it. Any promotional video used in a marketing campaign or in an advertisement needs to be well designed for the intended target audience. Meaning that video has to be informative, educational, entertaining and original. Furthermore, most people prefer watching videos that are about two minutes long, two-thirds of consumers to be more precise. That’s why marketers can exploit the innovation and deliver a message through video in less than two minutes.

Though, creating an outstanding video can be expensive, especially for startups and small businesses that want to use the power of video to keep up or outrun their competition, but also have a small budget. However, investing in video marketing is highly beneficial as it can help grow revenue faster. Sometimes, costs can exceed the expectations and calculating them beforehand can spare you the inconvenience. You can easily do this on Australian Lending Centre website, for example, with their handy budget calculator.

Using Video on Social Media

It is possible to leverage social media to promote video content and help increase conversion rate, as well as generate more interest. 100 million hours of video is watched every day on Facebook and 82 percent of Twitter users watch video content. However, 85 percent of Facebook videos are watched without sound, so it’s a good idea to include subtitles in videos promoted on that platform.

As everyone is on social media these days, it’s logical to use it for well-placed video marketing campaigns. People on social networks are more likely to engage with a business just by watching promotional videos and 43 percent of users want to see more videos from marketers in the future, while 93 percent of mobile video viewers share videos with others.

The impact of video marketing on campaigns is immense, as video popularity continues to grow among the audience. Any marketer or business that leverages video marketing will see increased traffic.

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Raul Harman

Raul Harman is an IT consultant and a writer who has a lot of experience about innovations in all aspects of digital technology and online marketing. IT and the world of mobile devices have been his focus in..

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