How to Convince Your Boss to Invest in eLearning

How to Convince Your Boss to Invest in eLearning

During business meetings, supervisors and employees often discuss possible ways of improving income and performance within the company.  However, It is not uncommon to be hesitant to speak your mind if you are not sure how your boss will react to your suggestions.

If you have arrived at the idea of using eLearning software for employee training, the next step is to figure out how to present it to your boss. Unfortunately, If your superiors are not acquainted with management tools in general, it might be tricky to get them on board.

In an environment where there has been no previous knowledge of management software, it may be considered it as a waste of funds.  This guide will share some tips on how to create compelling arguments to convince your boss to invest in eLearning.

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  • Present them with a free trial or demo version

One way of convincing your superiors to invest in an eLearning system is to let them judge it for themselves. You can take the very first step for them and sign up for a free trial or a demo of an existing software solution. It is important to find a tool with a user-friendly interface so that your boss can see how convenient eLearning really is.

Once your superiors see how simple it is to navigate through the course and how immersive it is, they will definitely be interested in giving it a try. Moreover, they will see that all other employees will be able to use the software without the need for any additional training.

  • Tell your boss about the cost benefits

If your boss gets most easily convinced when presented with cost analysis, then you won’t have a tough time convincing him/her to use an eLearning tool since it delivers knowledge at a lower price as compared to the traditional approach.

You won’t have to hire professionals for more complex tasks or to outsource work that is beyond your area of expertise. Using eLearning, you can train your current staff to be more proficient and ready to tackle more complex assignments with greater efficiency.

There is also no need to create and print instruction manuals or other training materials for an eLearning tool. Furthermore, there is no need for an instructor and/or a set day/time.  Higher flexibility ensures that employees can attend the course as per their convenience.


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  • Inform decision makers if their competitors are using eLearning systems

A good argument to nudge your superiors in the right direction is to show them examples of rival companies that are using eLearning software. Every employer wants to keep up with the competition and aim to surpass it.  If you know of other peer companies that rely on eLearning tools, make sure to bring it up. Of course, in order to support your argument, the company in questions should be, at least in some aspects, superior to your employer.  For example, they should pride with better customer service or tech support.

In case you cannot find good examples of competitors, you can still make the argument work in your favor. Simply approach your managers with facts on how your department could benefit from eLearning. The fact that your competitors are not using it will give your teammates an edge over the others.

  • Make a strong case using the benefits of eLearning software

eLearning visual

In addition to cost benefits and staying ahead of the competition, there are a lot more perks to using eLearning systems that your superiors should be aware of

  • More competent and proficient staff members. This ensures boosted sales, greater customer satisfaction and better service.
  • A swift and engaging way to enhance skills that cater to all type of learners.
  • The ability to design your own course so that learning goals align with the company objectives.
  • Insightful feedback and progress reports on how the course attendants are progressing and advancing.
  • A useful tool for delivering courses on workplace ethics, laws and regulations.
  • New employees will benefit from eLearning as well since you will have a more convenient means of training them and raising their proficiency level.
  • Mention how it can be a new way of income

Finally, you can draw attention to the very important fact that training programs are also business opportunities for achieving greater revenue. By creating a quality program for your line of work and by having a competent staff that is a clear reflection of the course’s efficiency, you can sell the online course as well. Other companies that are engaged in a similar line of work might be interested in purchasing it since it will be far more convenient in comparison to designing a new course from scratch.

If you are good at this, it can open up a whole new world of possibilities and allow you to prosper. Being noticed on two fronts is definitely good for your brand awareness and reputation in general.

The bottom line

If you need to convince your superiors to acquire an eLearning tool, you can do so by relying on a potent presentation. There are cost benefits and potential income possibilities for the future. It can help you keep up and even stay ahead of the competition. Also, it is a more convenient and superior method of delivering knowledge. I highly recommend tangible proof for your statements and get a demo version!


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Kamy Anderson

Kamy Anderson is an ed-tech enthusiast with a passion for writing on emerging technologies in the areas of corporate training and education. He has 7+ years of experience working with ProProfs learning management system and other eLearning..

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