How to Create Content that Generates Links like Crazy - Marketing Solved

How to Create Content that Generates Links like Crazy

In the booming digital realm, content is king. And we are not talking about any kind of content, but the quality one. The kind that attracts clicks, shares, likes, and links. Quantity does not cut it on its own and copied content should be avoided like plague.

But, the million dollar question is how to recognize and create content specifically for nurturing leads. Well, there is no reason to beat around the bush: This is a daunting task, an endeavor that requires an investment of time, creativity, money, and energy. So, brace yourself.

The good, the bad, and the ugly

Content is everywhere. It floats around the internet and the ugly truth is that the most of it is junk. On the other hand, the quality pieces stand out and spark interest as sure as eggs. What makes a difference between the two is a smart, strategic approach to content marketing. First off, you have to get clear on what purpose the content serves.


One of the main goals of content generation and publishing is to generate leads and engagement. These processes, in turn, drive revenue and impact the business’s bottom line. The content is an integral part of the funnel and it is the glue that holds digital, inbound marketing strategies together. Quality content is like a magnet that intrigues people and compels them to come to you.


Namely, when you manage to add value to consumers’ lives, they become naturally interested in your business. Content introduces them to your brand story and experience and gets them on the path to eventually purchasing your products or services. Thus, to make the most of your efforts, make content for every step of the buyer’s journey, not just the top of the funnel.

A game plan

Of course, to pull this off, one must establish the target audience. So, create a comprehensive content marketing strategy and calendar. Then, start with buyer personas and tailor the content to their wants and needs. Identify types of content that are most likely to yield leads.


For instance, B2B organizations spend most of their time and budget on product brochures, slide presentations, white papers, videos, corporate brochures, and infographics.

Next, decide where to feature your content. There are no hard rules here except that you must discover where your potential leads are. Also, it is clear that it needs to be promoted in a multi-channel digital environment. Social media presence is easily the most surefire way to convey your messages and widen the reach. Apart from that, post the content regularly to your website and set up a blog for additional exposure.


Furthermore, get familiar with other key elements that make or break a quality post. Headlines are of the utmost importance, but so is the relevance of the topic, and length of the article. Studies have shown that the best-performing content in terms of nurturing leads is the one that solves a particular problem, teaches people something new, or offers a unique angle on a hot topic.


One of the neglected issues with the site performance is definately lack of knowledge about site speed and how much it affects rankings, therefore a good web hosting plan can is of utmost importance. Similarly, articles with striking photos are way more likely to be shared, liked, and commented on.

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Content pays dividends

The main problem is that quality content does not come cheap. Then again, the trick is to think long-term. One final thing to note is that unlike downloading a coupon, the act of reading or watching a piece of your content does not indicate that someone is interested in buying.


Thus, you have to gather more information and develop a deeper understanding of the nature of their interest. Never stop learning, researching, collecting data, and testing. Tweak your inbound lead generation process and you will create a strong influx of leads.

Hit it big

It is time to step up the game and captivate people with swell pieces of content. So, select the right type of content as well as its form. Adjust your aim to the targeted audience. Keep the fingers on the pulse of your customers and give them relevant and attention-grabbing content.


Know how to measure the results and ROI and distribute content via multiple channels. Reach informed decisions, make people warm up to the brand, and get that much-needed link juice.

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Raul Harman

Raul Harman is an IT consultant and a writer who has a lot of experience about innovations in all aspects of digital technology and online marketing. IT and the world of mobile devices have been his focus in..

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