Prioritize Instagram To Get The Most Out Of Your Business

Prioritize Instagram To Get The Most Out Of Your Business

Competition among companies has become aggressive with the development of new online applications. One of these applications is Instagram. Instagram is a mobile application allowing users to share photos and videos. Companies should properly harness the potential offered by this platform to increase their sales and profits.

Increasing the Number of Instagram Followers

The potential offered by Instagram largely depends on how you can increase the number of real Instagram followers to your account. To increase the number of followers, you can do the following:

  •    Post consistently – You should be consistent in posting photos or videos on your account. You should not allow days to pass before you post anything.
  •    Like or comment on the posts – While it is possible to buy Instagram likes, unpaid likes are better since these likes have a bigger tendency to be converted into sales. Whenever Instagram followers like your post, you should also return the favor.
  •    Follow their followers – You can also follow your followers to create a relationship with them.  Since Instagram followers buy products of companies they feel comfortable with; you should enhance your relationship with your followers by following them back.
  •    Respond to followers – Engagement with followers is another way for you to build a better customer relationship. You should respond to comments on your posts and address your followers’ queries and clarifications.  There may be instances when you need to buy Instagram comments, but when actual Instagram followers comment on your posts, you should respond to show you value their feedback. This will encourage engagement and eventually convert these potential customers into satisfied customers.

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Making the most out of Instagram

Your company can take advantage of Instagram by sharing photos and videos closely related to your business.  But before you can make the most out of Instagram and increase views of photos and videos, you have to take into account the following

Your businesses should not limit the posts about your products or services’ promotion

  •  Aside from relevant posts that promote the business, you should also post photos and videos about interesting things like the location of the company headquarters.

Post photos and videos that inspire customers

  •  Companies should post photos and videos that encourage customers to visit your website. Due to this, you should ensure that these photos and videos are relevant and something your target market will be interested in.

Use hashtags properly

  •  You should use hashtags relevant to your post. Also, limit the number of hashtags used on a post. Three hashtags at most are the ideal number.

Monitor statistics

  •  Monitoring the status allows you to identify posts that encourage engagement. The stats also show the best time to post photos and videos. Using this information, companies can enhance their presence on Instagram and increase profit and sales.


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Changes in Instagram

Instagram went through some changes since its first release. These changes affect some video features, the algorithm of the newsfeed, and the ad products of Instagram. The following are the changes made by Instagram:

  •    Longer videos – The length of the videos you can post has increased from 15 seconds to 60 seconds. You can also use the application to shoot videos directly.
  •   Newsfeed algorithm –  The newsfeed on Instagram now shows posts considered important to the user.  Posts of users whom your company interacts with come out on top of the newsfeed.  If you want to follow the posts of other users with less interaction, you can do two things:
  1.    Look for the profile of the user and increase interaction with them. You can like or make comments on the posts of these users.
  2.    Turn on the post notifications of the user you want to follow.

** You should also inform your followers to do the same so that they will not miss any of the posts. To increase engagement among your followers, you can also post daily challenges, flash sales, or free giveaways.

  •   Instagram Ads are now linked to the profile – When an advertisement of your business is tapped, the call to action of the company will be visible on the profile. Due to this, you should have a compelling call to actions to increase the chances of doing business with these users.

Instagram has become more relevant to companies hoping to increase sales and profits.  Hence, it is now important that you harness the potential offered by Instagram and enhance your relationship with your followers.


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Sheena Mathieson

Sheena Mathieson understands the essence of making excellent content that suits the needs of every business, especially when it comes to online marketing. She can spice up your marketing campaign with the content she makes and then..

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