Six of the Most Effective Content Marketing Strategies Today

Six of the Most Effective Content Marketing Strategies Today

Content marketing is a spin-off from traditional marketing with its use of digital media for marketing purposes. As marketing techniques evolve over time, content marketing is when digital media is used as a creative, relevant, and consistent tool to attract a target audience, with the objective of creating a profitable customer interaction. There is the use of data analytics to prepare an effective and precise content marketing strategy that would suit the needs of the company and its targeted market. Here are a few tips to include in creating a successful and effective content marketing strategy for your business:

Valuable Content

Valuable content is the holy grail of content marketing. A content that matters is one that people seek out, and piques their interests, and makes them want to share and consume it. Look for ads from youtube and see which ones had gone viral. These are content marketing strategies that are not merely put out there just for the sake of having an ad. Viral commercials catch the attention of viewers and can be valuable to their decision making for buying the product. So the goal of content marketing is to create contents that have as much value for your target audience as possible.

Related: 10 Ways How Visual Content Dramatically Changes Marketing Strategies 

Create a Buyer Persona

A successful content marketing strategy lies in a company’s ability to know its customers. You need to profile your customers and their buying preferences. This will make it possible to tailor a strategy that leads a customer’s experience to a conversion. The more you know about your customers, the more you can target your strategy to increase their interaction. A buyer’s persona is a pieced together picture of what your typical buyer is. This persona is based on information you gather about who your real buyers are. This is not based on generic ideas you might have of who your target audience is. You get your information from your interaction with your buyers, typically from interviews and questionnaires.

Brand Storytelling

People do not go for marketing tactics that always seem to be after their money. The audience these days are more informed and are more discerning. They need brands that they trust. There lies the potential for brand storytelling. A brand story is about what your business is and what it stands to do. It comprises of your history, your inspiration, your mission and goals. It is about your “why”. It is about the heart of your business. Your story should tell about the people and the ideas that your company has, and what makes you special.

Editorial Calendar

It is easy to lose track of your scheduling. Try to identify the content gaps that you might have in an upcoming time frame. It is best to do this for an upcoming year to avoid panic with deadlines and in order to have ample time to prepare the right contents. This is also useful when planning for special themes that you might want to add in your schedule. Having a calendar is also very helpful for scheduling publishing dates.

Use the Correct Tools

You can build your marketing plan by using tools like Google Analytics and Hootsuite. You should know what tools your business needs and make the most of what is available. There are plenty of free and low cost tools that you can avail. As cited, Hootsuite has a free version with basic features and its full option only costs 11USD. You can use it to integrate all social media accounts from different social media platforms to schedule, plan and consolidate your content. Google Analytics is a very useful tool that can help you gather data gathered from your campaign and interpret it.

Be Mobile Friendly

From finding the right workplace to getting a ride to work, everything has gone mobile. With almost everyone on their mobile phones, it is not a surprise that marketing strategies should be adaptable for smart phones and gadgets. Mobile searches are now higher than desktop searches, so it is best for your websites adaptable for mobile use. Make your ads and websites mobile-ready.

There is no single strategy that can claim to be most effective. And that’s the beauty of it. Mold your marketing strategy to be unique and one that speaks of what your company stands for. That is the best strategy that will be effective for you, and will keep your customers happy.

Gemma Reeves

Gemma Reeves is a seasoned writer who enjoys creating helpful articles and interesting stories. She has worked with several clients across different industries such as advertising, online marketing, technology, healthcare, family matters, and more. She is also..

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