What I Did in 2016 to Triple My Income, Retire My Hubby, and Grow My Business - Marketing Solved

What I Did in 2016 to Triple My Income, Retire My Hubby, and Grow My Business

What I did in 2016 to Triple my income and retire my hubby - Katherine Sullivan, Marketing Solved

2016 Was a BIG year for us at Marketing Solved. I was able to retire my hubby from his six-figure corporate (killer) career, we were able to move to an awesome beach town, and we more than TRIPLED our income.

It came with some big leaps and changes – all in the best way.

Since there’s no specific roadmap on how to grow a successful business, I wanted to share exactly what key shifts, strategies, tools, and moves I made so that YOU can apply them to yourself and your business. 

There are some key resources mentioned in this training and they are all linked below.

The training is just over 40 minutes and will give you the exact roadmap I took in 2016 to triple my income. After you watch the training, be sure to let me know what moves you are going to make to grow your business. Looking forward to hearing from you and tripling your business!


Links Mentioned in the Training:

Business Blastoff Breakthrough Event with Allison Maslan – Special Discount Ticket Link (Saves $800)

Automation Programs

Active Campaign

Lead Pages


Board Booster




One more thing, Before you leave, be sure to grab these Free Done For You Social Media Weekly Planners

Done for you social media weekly planners

Kat Sullivan

Kat Sullivan is the CEO & Founder of Marketing Solved and Co-Founder of TASSI. The Automated Social Software Inc. She has worked with and successfully coached over 20,000 business owners. Kat has been recognized as the social..

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