Why You Need to Optimize Your Site for Mobile Users - Marketing Solved

Why You Need to Optimize Your Site for Mobile Users

You may have recently heard the phrase “mobile device optimization”, advice on acquiring more mobile users, as well as tips and tricks on how to make your website more mobile user friendly. But what exactly is all the fuss about? E-commerce has been picking up speed, and a lot of small businesses’ revenues have boomed due to mobile purchases. Keep reading to find out just how your business profits from optimizing your website for mobile.

Mobile devices

People have become more reliant on their mobile devices. The pace of their everyday life has quickened, and to stay on top of everything, they use their mobile devices to shop, pay bills, hold meetings and so on. It is the perfect time to use this to your advantage, and create a mobile experience for your leads and future customers. It’s a far cry from desktop computers being neglected. The appeal of handheld devices is that they are transportable, easily accessible and within arm’s reach, 24/7.

Web traffic

Web traffic has been booming in the past few years. With numerous businesses opening mobile friendly websites and stores, return of investment has gone through the roof. Up to speed, simplicity and ease of navigation, more and more people are purchasing their goods online on their mobile devices. They are more inclined to make frequent smaller transactions. While desktop users will take the time to mull over their decision, mobile users will buy “on the go”. If your business offers low-cost services that can benefit from this, consider optimization for a better traffic.

Mobile mentality

Even though the same person sits behind the computer monitor and the smartphone screen, his or her behavior can be vastly different. Normally, people consume shorter, more lighthearted content through mobile devices. They will browse websites, images and short videos that keep the short attention span satisfied, and you can use this to your advantage. You can simplify your website layout, format the content to focus more on galleries, short videos and infographics, rather than walls of text and crammed pages.

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Get ahead

As farfetched as it may seem, many businesses haven’t yet fully utilized the mobile optimization. This would give you a great advantage over the competition. In a highly competitive market, staying on top of trends is crucial. And in the past few years, the mobile optimization has seen a steady grow.  In fact, only 56% of small businesses can claim they have an adapted website design. Out of that percentage, there is a good chance that some companies struggle with the design and responsiveness, which, if solved properly on your end, could give you a tremendous edge over your peers.

Mobile advertising

Still underrepresented in the market today, mobile advertising can be a great source of income traffic. They are cost-efficient, which is a welcoming relief for an up-and-coming company’s budget, the outreach to the users is greater, and more personal, as mobile devices are frequently used by one person, unlike a desktop computer. Furthermore, it is easier to build a customer database through third party engagement via ads. This will also allow you to send time-sensitive ads and deals, depending on the user’s recent purchases or preferences.

Social media exposure

While the primary role of mobile devices are still phone calls and video conversations, the secondary role is social media. People spend a lot of time checking and browsing through social media, even when there are no notifications demanding their attention. By optimizing your website for social media shares, you will bring your business closer to the target demographic, making your brand more recognizable and approachable. According to experts on search engine optimization, this is easily achieved by making a more responsive website design, that is, at the same time, SEO friendly.

To sum up

Optimizing your website for mobile users is not something that you should fear, or feel is unnecessary. The tide of this type of e-commerce is still on the rise, and if you time your moves right, you can gain greater exposure, guaranteed return of investment, and a more approachable reputation. Usually, businesses that neglect to optimize for mobile users on the get-go are perceived as behind the times, and lose a good portion of their target demographic. So, take no risks and acquire that mobile device user base as soon as possible.

Helen Bradford

Helen Bradford is a student, journalist and business consultant whose true passion is writing. She spends her spare time doing fitness and traveling.

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